Nursing Homes
Social Workers
Why not take the
YES              NO
Our wheelchair vans don't take out-of-county runs

You'll have to fax all insurance information ahead of time (so we can determine, based on payor status, if we REALLY want to take the call.)

We don't run our ambulettes on weekends

We don't allow family members to ride with the patients, you'll have to drive your own vehicle.

Sorry, we don't take early morning calls.

We don't carry oxygen on our ambulettes.

You'll have to fully dress the patient for the winter weather, our ambulettes don't carry blankets.

Unless the patient is on Medicaid, you'll have to write us a check on the day of the trip.

It's after 5 p.m., we can't schedule your ambulette trip for tomorrow.  Appointments are only taken from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Sorry, we need 48 hours notice on ambulette trips.

Ambulette transports are not covered under your ambulance subscription plan, only ambulance service.

We don't do holiday transfers.

Our ambulettes are all busy.  No, I'm sorry, our company doesn't take an ambulette patient by ambulance and charge the lower ambulette rate.  You'll just have to wait, or call someone else.

Are you in compliance with the Ohio Public Utilities

We all know the importance of wheelchair van transportation, the most notable shift in the last thirty years in the transfer of patients to clinic and physicians' appointments.  The truth is that ambulettes, as wheelchair vans are also called,  do not generate significant income to the ambulance provider.  Most ambulance providers simply offer the service as an accommodation to nursing facilities to promote the more "high-end" ambulance transportation, especially advanced life support -- those paramedic transfers which are more lucrative.   If you're a health care facility, check the boxes below if your contracted ambulance firm responds to your requests for ambulette transports using the following. 

Has your transportation contractor has ever told your personnel:
If you've answered in the yes column to more than five of the 14 scenarios, your ambulance/ambulette contractor is pre-occupied not with service levels, but with higher profit.  You have a problem!   Not only will patients and their families be questioning your choice of that particular provider, but, additionally you'll have your facility's transportation co-ordinators constantly frustrated in dealing with the contractor's dispatch center.

At Ambulance Associates, we take BOTH AMBULANCE AND AMBULETTE transportation seriously.   Wheelchair vans are NOT the "wicked step-sister" of EMS 

If you contract with us, we will even be willing to take an ambulance out of service to transfer a wheelchair patient when all our ambulettes are busy.  (And the patient will pay the lower wheelchair van service fee!)

You can call us anytime, day or night, to schedule a wheelchair van transfer.   And short notices are not a problem, as long as we have the resources to "juggle" your call into place.  We have greater central Stark County ambulette resources than any other area provider.  On a busy day, we can staff up to four radio-dispatched ambulettes.  We'll match our punctuality track record with any other area firm.

If you contract with us, we'll also make the 45 minute guarantee.  If our service takes you to a physician's office or clinic for an appointment,  and after completing the appointment, you wait more than 45 minutes after the return request is placed with our dispatch center, your return trip is FREE!

And yes, if we have a contract with your facility for both ambulance and ambulette transportation, we'll be there on Christmas day for the wheelchair bound patients who are able to spend the holiday with family at home.

Go ahead, compare us with your currently chosen provider.  Then call us!
How 'bout a 90-day trial contract ? ? ?   (Afterwards, you'll know the quality level that you may have been missing! )
We're proudly

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